introduction: we’re not # 1
I believe americans need a new way of thinking to the health. Look, our current views on the issue for us – we are 17 most industrialized countries in the world last year in all the key indicators of health. It’s hard to believe, but the fact that we have last year’s average life expectancy;
the author of the institute of medicine, national institutes of health supported the research shows that this kind of situation, said “the americans become serious, die early and maintain injured than other high-income countries. “(this is a reference to the report. ), so he added the coup DE grace: “we tend to be shocked to find all the negative side, disadvantage of scope covers all ages, from infants to the elderly, bisexual, all levels of society. If we do not take action, life will continue to shorten and children will face a greater rate than those in other countries. ”
two approaches to health
I believe americans about their health too passive. A healthy body to obtain and maintain the conscious behavior. These actions need to planning and disciple. Examples include regular exercise, positive, catering way nourishes the body does not cause the problem, otherwise the behavior positive and active way.
level health you will enjoy is obviously affected by lifestyle choices. Your health depends largely on whether you invest in your happiness. If you have little or no such investments, your health will depend on opportunities, genetics, aging process and the quality of the timeliness of receiving medical care.