Seven secrets to choose a safe, healthy pet food

You choose canned or dry food?. Sit down, cheer up, keep reading.

Beneful, says this is “high quality dog food, a happy, healthy dog”, sells for about $18. 00 31 pounds. Bags, scientific diet “commitments” the delicate balance of nutrition through continuous research and high quality food endorsed by your vet and sells for $21 or so. 00 only 20 pounds package. Then there are a lot of pet food, make the same statement – premium dog food, of the highest quality, priced at $30. 00 for 20 pounds or more bags. The same applies to the owner of the cat. You choose Whiskas state of everything we do is to let the cat is happy! My pet is safe?

secret # 1.

all pet food use descriptive words, such as selection and premium, while some of the actual use of premium or choose ingredients of food. “Secret” is the rule of every pet food industry, pet food can make no claim or reference labels or advertising as the raw material quality and taste. You see, the word “premium” does not mean that the pet food food ingredient is at a premium. Pet food, premium wouldn’t (couldn’t) describe food nor (can) to describe the quality of the food. This is a marketing term. Each rules and regulations of the pet food industry, “there is no reference component quality or grade” (regulatory PF5 d 3). Words like the premium, or choose, quality is the marketing or sales conditions. They should not be interpreted as the term to describe the quality of the food.

why does not allow pets food labels now tell potential customers the quality of the ingredients?.

secret # 2.

if I can compare people of food to the pet food is just a second, we all know that there are different quality of food. White castle (I’m guilty, I love this little guy!). Restaurants offer meat and potatoes. Under the white castle $3. 00 you can get two hamburgers and a French fries. In the mainland can get about $16 of the steak and baked potato. 00. For the beef and potatoes, but you have realized dramatic difference between the nutrition fast-food burgers and steak. Isn’t it?. They don’t think that a type of pet food and fast food more nutritious sit down restaurant types of pet food. In fact, a few years ago a young man try this experiment with your diet, eat fast food for 30 days. In just a month of eating fast food meals a day, he received a lot of weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels have soared. Now, imagine your pet to eat the entire life cycle of this kind of food.

well, back to two of our meal. If the chemical analysis for white castle is dining, compared to the chemical analysis of inland and the proportion of protein analysis, carbohydrates, and fats. Whether you consider steak a higher quality of protein in the mainland, it will still analyze protein than a burger. Analysis does not measure the quality of protein.

it’s a secret. All pet food to ensure that the analysis shows that the proportion of protein, fat, fiber and water in food. The real secret lies in the quality percentage of protein, fat, and so on.

pet food chemical analysis – chicken feet will analyse protein, although it provides very little nutrition. And, a cow, euthanasia (euthanasia), because the disease make it unfit for human consumption, will analyze protein consumption can be considered to be dangerous. The two things – chicken feet and euthanasia cattle – usually used in pet food ingredients, is allowed. The secret of you see in the pet food industry manufacturers has an open door, they get the raw material. They must follow the strict rules is adult dog food must use the 18% protein analysis and adult cat food must use 26% protein analysis. Sources of these specific percentage range from “human” meat, chicken feet, euthanasia of animals, grain protein, and even artificial chemical protein and many variations.

pet food labels don’t need to tell – not allowed to tell them to use the resources available, 18% or 26% of the protein. To make matters worse. Quality of pet food manufacturers – USES 100% of human grade ingredients of the company are not allowed to tell clients or potential clients, their products are quality, human grade raw material.