TOP4 Richest Fictional Characters According to Forbes

Forbes loves rating everything and comparing everything to everything. This is a fun thing to do and we decided to check out one of the ratings. It looked quite interesting. Their research was extensive enough, but we decided to add a couple of commentaries of our own. Here’s Forbes’ TOP4 RICHES…

The UK’s Miracle: Sustainable Energy

An astonishing record was achieved by the UK. The country managed to stop using coal for 55 hours. An unprecedented period of time for the modern United Kingdom. This nation relied solely on coal, gas, and oil in terms of energy for decades, but a recent experiment showed that we…

Do You Want to Become a Freelancer?

If you always wanted to live a freer life and get rid of limitations that a regular 5/7 work puts on you, freelancing might be just what you need. Just remember that this is not for everyone. Freelancing requires a lot of self-discipline and enormous dedication as well as ability…

Can Tiger Woods Make a Comeback?

In 2009, the world was shaken by the terrible mug shot of one of the best gold players in history. After being caught asleep behind the wheel of his car with several “recreational” drugs, the sportsman was arrested. At the same time, multiple details of his private life were exposed….

Say No to Osteoporosis!

Bones are literally the foundation of your body. The condition of the skeleton and joints determine whether you live a long healthy life or start falling apart after 40s. There are different ways to make sure that your bones are strong and do not degrade with time. We have a…

Amazing Uzbek Cuisine: Pilaf and Shurpa

Uzbekistan is not the best country for conventional tourism, but it has a lot to offer when it comes to traditional cuisine that features all sorts of noodles and kebabs. However, two trademark dishes here are Shurpa and Pilaf. If you want to have a heavy meal that will make…

Which Country Drinks the Most?

There are lots of countries where alcohol is a problem, but for some drinking is a sport and a part of their cultural identity. While African and Asian countries are trying to fight against overwhelming alcoholism, other countries seem to love consuming alcohol in large quantities. Let’s take a closer…

Should You Visit Thailand and When?

If you are thinking about a place to spend your next vacation, Thailand is definitely one of paradise countries that you should consider. There is not better destination for a backpacker or a wealthy person who wants to lavish in various luxuries. This is a country of contrast where technology…

The 3rd World War Is Possible

While some may think that there is no chance for a new all-out war to happen, the chances are not as slim as people think. There are several important factors that can become triggers for a new global conflict. Here they are: 1. Money; 2. Resources; 3. Technology. Let’s talk about each of these factors…

Genetically Modified Organisms. Can We Live Without Them?

The world as we know it today would not even exist without a significant amount of various genetically modified organisms that allow our modern lifestyle to exist on different levels. We see them everywhere. This is the reason why we should not be afraid of them but rather learn how…