Occupational health – what is the general situation of oh?

The rapid development of workplace health protection and prevention service promoted the strategy and Suggestions of the government, as well as by eu legislation in the field of health and safety at work and the European commission plans in public health. This is largely due to the new needs and expectations from employers, employees and their representative organizations recognize that economic, social and health benefits by providing these services in the workplace, thus providing evidence available knowledge and necessary for the continuous improvement of workplace health management.

Comprehensive workplace health management is a process involving all stakeholders inside and outside any business. It aims to give them control of their health and family health care environment, way of life, career and social determinants of health and the quality of health care. It is based on the principle of health promotion, to create a huge challenge to health, environment and security professionals to provide services, advice, information and education social partners at work. It also includes taking care of considerable social and economic interests of all stakeholders involved.

This series of articles describes the author’s observation on different roles of the occupational health nurse. At the same time to realize a wide range of variation exists in different industrial and blue-collar occupational health nursing practice environment has already reached this series reflects the standard of occupational health nursing is the most advanced place. But must recognize that education level, professional skills and withdrew from the national legislation determines what kind of role can actually by the occupational health nurse. It is even more important to remember that there is no a professional exit workplace health professional are now able to meet the demand of all health workforce. A multidisciplinary approach is needed to effectively manage the growing today in the business workplace health and safety requirements.

workplace health services in the use of many experts and other professionals the skills of professional doctors, safety engineer, occupational health and occupational health nurses, biological engineering, physical therapists, occupational therapists, laboratory technicians, psychologists and other experts. Actually perform the roles and tasks of the company on behalf of different occupational health and safety depends largely on the different legislative requirements, scope of the concept of workplace health director, law enforcement practice, their level of education, the occupational health infrastructure, action by insurance institutions and many other factors. The occupational health nurse’s biggest health professionals involved in providing health services in the workplace and the most important role in the workplace health management. On the front lines to help protect and promote the health of the country labor force.