Comfort food addiction and pressure links – how to create selection in eat too happy

Comfort food addiction is to describe these characteristics. Foods with high levels of sugar, fat and salt and other chemical process to improve and enlarge the food tastes are higher than normal levels. To abnormally high levels of sugar, fat and salt and other chemicals from the body to adapt to change its chemical composition to digest the food affect the physical and chemical changes of people. Once the physical chemical changes affect mood and psychological association eat food and relax by repeating the behavior of eating comfort food fortification brain learn to relax and comfort food before they start to eat your food, to experience form the spirit of attachment and addictive behavior.

comfort food influence to relax is by reducing the body energy, created the influence of the change of chemical and relax identify chemical changes in the brain. Any addiction is the mind or mental state, physical pressure on the shoulder and the tension between the physical and mental energy is strength of mind and body by their breathing patterns, support support addiction. Is the interaction between the three, it is necessary to solve the compulsive behavior change people. Personal spiritual power to influence their mood, body and enjoy real must develop and integrate you combat addiction, but don’t change your addiction. Ability to improve personal spiritual power is directly connected to the power of the core/breathing top in order to do the entire torso in every breath and thinking is a conscious (consciousness not to think, but feeling action and feeling that makes your body) experience in breathing. Clear breathing and mental strength connect internal and express the exhale.

with the passage of time, the body and mind will adjust their comfort food taste processing links, and the influence of active taste numb mouth point, a person will be difficult to taste other then processed food. Because change taste one will continue to choose process than other food, because it is the only time they can enjoy their food. Other food, no process seems tasteless and not pleasant to eat. Need time to recover taste once people stop eating food.

there are blind consumption comfort food taste is not the problem, but create a chemical induced mood relaxed. Food consumption is one thought emotion and loneliness. And The Times and comfort food, other people at the party and consumption for its high taste of salt, sugar and fat. Is one of the biggest in entertainment like T eat food to comfort yourself. V. Heart is not pay attention to eat food but do other things feelings together. Comfort food be clues to escape into entertainment to relax and one is blind eat to create a relaxed state of mind. Around you create an emotional reality comfort food drive so emotional clues experience can be recreated. Due to diet is an emotional experience, have learned that a person can replace a more dynamic experience in food and emotional balance their desire and demand for inspiration and technology in all methods to make a relationship with food. Here is the rule of life “as big a person some of their behavior,” to the person’s mental work from create a change if they take advantage of its power, is a kind of consciousness of the positive force.