Will Robots Leave Us Jobless?

Will Robots Leave Us Jobless?

Progress is an unstoppable force that seems to roll without meeting an immovable object. Technology is marching decisively and the direction of its march is quite worrying. Humanity has been dreaming about reaching a utopia when people do not have...
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TOP4 Strange One-Food Diets that Actually Work

TOP4 Strange One-Food Diets that Actually Work

If you want to look good and get rid of excess weight, you will have to limit yourself in terms of food. Eating too much is not a good idea for people who want to lose weight. It is usually...
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TOP5 Anime Movies that You Must See

TOP5 Anime Movies that You Must See

While there are haters of anime and people who cannot even imagine their lives without a new episode of their favorite animated series each day, some anime movies are great pieces of culture that simply have to be watched by...
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Nylon and Steel Guitars: What’s Best?

Nylon and Steel Guitars: What’s Best?

If you are thinking about starting to play the guitar and searching for a good instrument, you first need to determine which type of strings suit your style, mood, and level. There are several important things that you should be...
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Water Makes You Fat?

Water Makes You Fat?

You won’t believe this, but it’s true. Water actually makes you fat, but don’t start panicking and reducing you daily allowance of water to a mere couple of cups. This a very delicate and complicated matter. Did you notice that your...
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Busyboard for Your Kids… and Adults?

Busyboard for Your Kids… and Adults?

If you have ever experienced that feeling when you see a Lego set for your kid, but wanted to open it along without anyone else, you will understand what people experience when they buy busyboards for their kids. A standard...
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Great Superfoods that You Must Include in You Ration

Great Superfoods that You Must Include in You Ration

Eating healthy is a good idea in general. However, nutrition is a complicated matter that requires you to analyze your eating habits and search for foods that can complement your lifestyle and dietary preferences. Let’s take a closer look at...
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TOP5 Movies to Watch in 2018 that You Cannot Miss

TOP5 Movies to Watch in 2018 that You Cannot Miss

Do you consider yourself an avid moviegoer? Well, you still can refresh your list of movies to watch during this year. There are massively important releases that will define the year that promises more AAA blockbusters that any other cinematic...
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TOP3 Great Cars for Everyone in 2018

TOP3 Great Cars for Everyone in 2018

If you love to drive around like a boss, you can skip this article. We are going to talk about models that are quite simple and relatively cheap. These cars are affordable yet good looking and reliable. They will certainly...
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